Kundalini Yoga
Hatha Yoga
Ancient Yoga - Kundalini Tantra
I teach Ancient Yoga as most perfectly preserved by Shukl'acharyaji near Haidakhan Babaji Ashrams, in the Northern Himalayas of India.
What is Ancient Yoga?
Shee Bhagwad Geeta 2nd chapter 48th verse states that equanimity is yoga.
Further the the 17th verse of its 6th chapter says that this equanimity can be achieved only by those whose eating, living, working, resting, enjoying etc is done to the extent appropriate to that individual.
The divine spirit present within is bliss itself known as Sat -Chit -Ananda ( Truth -Consciousness – Bliss). Naturally, each one of us is in the constant search of happiness to understand and experience it. One has to transcend the satisfaction derived from limited joys, such as food, physical and material comforts, and balance oneself. Yoga, which has been defined by Shree Krishna as equanimity (2.48, SBG). comes to one who achieves physical, mental and emotional harmony. The Indian philosophy believes that all life has come from a disturbance of equilibrium of three aspects of nature; Satvik as symbolized by calmness, wisdom and good nature; Rajsik as symbolized by restlessness, impatience and intolerance; Tamsik as symbolized by laziness, ignorance and foolhardiness. In any living being these three aspects exist in varying proportions. A person is thought of Satvik, Rajsik, or Tamsik depending on which aspect is dominant in him. For health and peace, a person needs a sound body and mind. In the animal kingdom species live in harmony with the laws of nature. On the other hand man disregards his instinct and is not in consonance with nature. As a result a man’s energy channels gets blocked, in turn causing ill health; usually showing symptoms of physical, mental, (when a man cannot accept another’s views and orders) and emotional ( strong negative emotions get strong) indigestion.
The Satvik concept corrects this imbalance by a combination of:
ABC, Analysis of the Body Constitution, based on ayurvedic guidelines. This helps in identifying the ratio of the five principal elements (air, space, fire, water and earth) in a person. Using foods which increase the elements which are less, and reducing foods which can decrease the elements in excess. An individualized diet is designed according to the person’s body constitution and modified to the varying seasons and climates prevalent in the client’s environment. The yogis believe that there are 72,000 energy channels in the body. They get blocked because of physical, mental, and emotional indigestion. Yogic postures and breathing techniques which are customized to an individual can help in freeing the blocked energy channels. While prakruti and ritu based food can correct the physical indigestion and prevent it, the mental and emotional indigestion corrected by ancient yoga. Ayurvedic practices of oiling the body according to the varying seasons and individual body constitutions, helps a person effectively combat the heat in summer as well as in winter as well as the dryness, aches and pains of the body. If one closely analyses the ultimate objective being pursued, one would find that each person is looking for a state of undisturbed peace and happiness.
Why is our ultimate aim to reach such a yogic state?
The creation is constituted of five elements namely Akasha (space) Vayu (air), Agni (fire) Jal (water) and Prithvi (earth). If you have observed closely, you would know that each of these elements are in the process of merging back to its source of origin.
Flames and smoke from fire always rise skywards. Why?
Because the origin of fire is Surya (sun). After fire has burnt its fodder, the dense earth part remains on earth, the water part turns into moisture, the air and space elements merge with their principal elements, while the smoke of the fire moves sunwards. At the same time fire displays the same properties of Sun as well. Just like the Sun, fire too gives warmth and illuminates. Water, however high it may be thrown, falls back on earth and tries to make its way underground to reach the water bodies. Why? Because the origin of water is the water bodies, be it oceans or lakes. At the same time water shows the same properties as that of a lake or ocean, in a way it cools. As the elements which constitute the creation are always in the process of merging with their source of origin, so does the human spirit enveloped in these five elements, aim to reach its source of origin. The difference is while the elements seek their source of origin externally; our journey begins and ends within.
What is the source of human spirit’s origin?
Sat-chit- ananda (Truth / existence – consciousness – bliss). What we experience as alive, is not the matter, but the spirit. What is consciousness in us is not this body, but the spirit within. Our ultimate aim of reaching a permanent state of undiluted happiness is in reality our spirit! As the Bible says, ‘Man was made in the image of God‘. When we know ourselves, the spirit / soul / god, we would know that we are in reality the supreme bliss, the supreme consciousness, the real existence. To reach the absolute bliss may entail many births for us to work out our karma. Yet, as the goal being sought is bliss, each step in that direction should contribute to an increasing level of joy within. A typical person experiences happiness in the gross things of life such as food and other pleasures of the flesh. Enjoyable and happiness providing these experiences, such as they should not prevent us from seeking happiness from higher levels of consciousness.
What are higher levels of consciousness?
The yogis believe in the seven principal energy centers astrally located in the human body. These centers are known as chakras and correspond to the levels of consciousness. As one learns to experience and live at higher levels of consciousness one finds a quantum jump in one’s level of happiness. Whatever we do is a step on this route of merging with the source of our origin. Most of us do not know this, so let us say we take long and still longer routes. Those who know this, take the shorter route of Sanatan (eternal/ universal) and Dharma (way of life) to attain the ultimate objective. The process of merging into our original state is referred in Sanatan Dharma as YOGA.
As there are different kinds of people, of different ages and in different times, so are the varieties of Yoga! Yoga, as popularly perceived, is a set of postures combined with breathing techniques. This aspect of Yoga, comes under asana (postures) and pranayama (life breath control) of Raja / Ashtanga Yoga. A few of the main line Yoga approaches are: Gyan (knowledge) Yoga, Bhakti (devotional) Yoga, Karma (work) Yoga, Raja / Ashtanga ( Royal / eight part) Yoga.
Swami Vivekananda in his commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (2nd chapter, 25th verse) has said, “The ultimate aim of all religions is to get rid of nature’s control over us. Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work (Karma yoga), or worship (Bhakti yoga) or psychic control (Raja yoga), or philosophy (Gyan yoga); one, or all of these – and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms are but secondary details.”
What is the Satvik Lifestyle Management?
In each of us the three aspects of satvik, rajsik and tamsik exist in varying proportions. We believe that by judicious use of wisdom, a person can ensure that it is the Satvik nature that is predominant in him. The Satvik lifestyle management is a practical and easy approach of integrating Vedic science of yoga and ayurveda to contemporary living. Using the principles of Ayurveda & Yoga, we offer an experience to manage lifestyle in a satvik way. The goal is peace within & harmony outside through a healthy body, a peaceful mind and a spirit which soars in bliss.
How does this help you?
The objective is to introduce people to a satvik lifestyle that allows one to enjoy health and peace despite leading a busy and stressed life in today’s highly competitive environment. The satvik lifestyle thus enables increase in efficiency & productivity resulting in greater prosperity and increased domestic harmony.
Source: http://www.shuklacharya.com/philosophy